How can I order a Payoneer card in Pakistan?
To order a Payoneer card in Pakistan, follow these steps:
1. Visit the Payoneer website and click on ‘Sign Up & Earn $25’ (or a similar promotion if available).
2. Fill in the registration form with your accurate details. Make sure to use your real name as it appears on your government-issued ID.
3. In the contact details section, provide your correct address where you want to receive the card. Payoneer will send the card to this address.
4. After filling in all the details, click on ‘ORDER’ button at the end of the form.
5. Payoneer will review your application. Once approved, your Payoneer card will be sent to your provided address. It usually takes around 30 days to receive the card in Pakistan.
Remember, you need to have a valid bank account in your name to link with your Payoneer account. Also, you must be at least 18 years old to apply for a Payoneer card.